Berita ini pendek dan tidak cukup mendalam. Membacanya tidak akan puas, malah membiakkan sejumlah pertanyaan -- belum tentu ada jawapannya!
Berita ini sawang keruwetan yang menyembunyikan labyrinth di sebalik teks berita. Berita yang juicy dan penuh selera tetapi dipancung supaya dapat diterbitkan sekadar ada. Antara sawang yang penuh keruwetan itu:
+ Seorang "putera" atau kerabat diraja di sebuah negeri didakwa memukul seorang gadis berusia dalam lingkungan 20-an.
+ Gadis itu kekasih hatinya.
+ Gadis itu cuba melaporkan kesnya ke balai-balai polis tetapi enggan diterima. Lalu si gadis terpaksa mengusung aduannya ke Bukit Aman.
+ Gadis itu dikatakan ada hubungan asmara dengan lelaki lain yang sudah beristeri.
+ Kekasih gadis itu telah ditukarkan dengan notis 24 jam ke Sarawak dan diberikan "tugas-tugas pejabat" ("desk duties").
+ Kekasihnya itu seorang pegawai polis bahagian narkotik.
Sekali imbas ia bukan berita. Mungkin cereka atau layak diangkat sebagai skenario (kata orang Indonesia) sebuah sinetron. Atau, dipentaskan di Istana Budaya. Hakikatnya ia sebuah berita! Marilah kita menduga dan menyelak celah-celah labyrinth teks ini:
> Siapakah kerabat yang "digeruni" itu? Kerabat dekat atau kerabat jauh? Berapa usianya?
> Di negeri manakah dia berasal? Negeri yang dekat Bukit Aman ke? Atau, negeri yang jauh?
> Siapakah gadis si buah hatinya? Anak siapa? Rupa parasnya?
> Kenapa pegawai polis itu ditukarkan ke Sarawak? Oleh siapa?
Penulis blog, atau kaum pemblog, akan menerima malu besar jika mStar Online boleh menerbitkannya sedang dunia blog yang bebas dan luas itu masih tertanya-tanya.
Ayuh kawan, buktikan blog lebih powerful daripada media arus perdana...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
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Berikut kutipan daripada blog Susan Loone (English version):
A movie? No, this is real life, a Malaysia Boleh production.
Fathi Aris Omar, my ex-Malay story editor from Malaysiakini alerted me to this bizarre story in mSTAR online today. Fathi is editor (Correction: chief reporter)with mSTAR online now:
Royalty beats lover. Lover is in her 20s. She was allegedly beaten because she was found to be having an affair with a married man. She was forced to lodge a report in Bukit Aman when no police station was willing to accept her report. The Prince also lodged a police report about the matter. The woman was said to be involved with a married police officer who is attached to the narcotics unit. He was later transferred to Sarawak within 24 hours of the report being lodged. Police is investigating the case and is currently questioning a few witnesses.
Fathi poses some questions in his blog:
>> Who is the Prince, who is the woman, and who is the policeman?
>> Where are they from, which state, is it somewhere near Bukit Aman?
>> Who had so much power to transfer the police officer out of the state within such a short time?
This story, at a glance, seem like a fairytale, but in fact has all the elements of a crime related to violence against women (she was beaten), abuse of power (transferring police officer out of state) and poor police ethics (police not willing to accept the woman’s report because it involved a royalty).
“Proof the power of blogs. If mSTAR could write about this story, why not blogs?” challenged Fathi.
Well, though a police report had been lodged, why is mSTAR online reluctant to publish the full story? Is it because it involves a royalty?
Tell us more!
Hello nicce blog
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