Senarai rujukan** penulis ini sewaktu menjalankan tinjauan awal berjudul
Post-Soeharto Indonesia Public Sphere: A case study ofKomunitas Utan Kayu (Disember 2005-September 2005) bersama program zamalah
Cendekiawan Awam Asia (API) tajaan Nippon Foundation.
A. General background (politics, laws and economy)
- Barber, Richard (1999)
Indonesia post-Soeharto, Bangkok: Forum-Asia
- Cunningham, Frank (2002)
Theories of democracy: A critical introduction, London: Routledge
- Forrester, Geoff, ed. (1999)
Post-Soeharto Indonesia: Renewal or chaos?, Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing
- Forrester, Geoff and May, RJ, ed. (1998)
The fall of Soeharto, Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing
- Heryanto, Ariel and Mandal, Sumit, ed. (2003)
Challenging authoritarianism in Southeast Asia: Comparing Indonesia and Malaysia, London: RoutledgeCurzon
- Juri Ardiantoro F (1999)
Transisi demokrasi: Evaluasi kritis penyelenggaraan pemilu 1999 (Democracy in transition: Critical evaluation of the conduct of 1999 general elections), Jakarta: Komite Independen Pemantau Pemilu
- M Sadli (2002)
Bila kapal punya dua nakhoda (When a ship has two captains), Jakarta: AlvaBet
- Manning, Chris and Diermen, Peter, ed. (2000)
Indonesia in transition: Social aspects of reformasi and crisis, Singapore: ISEAS
- O’rouke, Kevin (2002)
Reformasi: The struggle for power in post-Soeharto Indonesia, Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin
- Priyonon A. E, Prasetyo S. A. and Tornquist, O. (2003)
Gerakan demokrasi di Indonesia pasca-Soeharto (Post-Soeharto Indonesian democracy movements), Jakarta: Demos
- Satjipto Rahardjo (2003)
Sisi-sisi lain dari hukum Indonesia (The other sides of Indonesian laws), Jakarta: Kompas
- Schwarz, Adam (2004)
A nation in waiting: Indonesia’s search for stability, Singapore: Talisman [brief update of the 1999 edition]
- Schwarz, Adam and Paris, Jonathan, ed. (1999)
The politics of post-Suharto Indonesia, New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press
- Stanley, ed (2005)
Warisan Orde Baru (The New Orde heritage), Jakarta: Institut Studi Arus Informasi
- Syamsuddin Haris (1998)
Menggugat politik Orde Baru (Challenging the politics of the New Order), Jakarta: Pustaka Utama Grafiti
- Thee Kian Wie (2004)
Pembangunan, kebebasan dan ‘mukjizat’ Orde Baru (Development, freedom and the New Order’s ‘miracle’), Jakarta: Kompas

B. Public sphere and discursive democracy
- Eemeren, Frans and Grootendorst, Rob (2004)
A systematic theory of argumentation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Habermas, Jürgen (1989)
The structural transformation of the public sphere: An inquiry into a category of bourgeois society, Massachusetts: MIT Press
- Habermas, Jurgen (1979)
Communication and the evolution of society, London: Heinemann
- Habermas, Jürgen (1971)
Knowledge and human interests, Boston: Beacon Press
- Hardiman, Fransisco Budi (2003)
Kritik ideologi: Menyingkap kepentingan pengetahuan bersama Jürgen Habermas (Ideological critique: Elucidating Jürgen Habermas’s
Knowledge and human interests), Yogyakarta: Bukubaik
- Idi Subandy Ibrahim and Hanif Suranto (1998)
Wanita dan media: Konstruksi ideologi gender dalam ruang publik Orde Baru (Women and media: Ideological construction of gender in the New Order’s public sphere), Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya
- Mulder, Niels (2000)
Indonesian Images: The culture of the public world, Jogjakarta: Kanisius
- Sennett, Richard (2002)
The fall of public man, London: Penguin Books
- White, Stephen, ed. (1999)
The Cambridge companion to Habermas, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

C. Social theory, culture and politics
- Achdiat Mihardja, ed. (1977) P
olemik kebudayaan (Cultural polemics), Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya
- Anderson, Benedict (1990)
Language and power: Exploring political cultures in Indonesia, New York: Cornell University Press
- Barthes, Roland (1973)
Elements of semiology, New York: Hill and Wang
- Barthes, Roland (1978)
Image, music, text, New York: Hill and Wang
- Bourdieu, Pierre (2001, 1991)
Language and symbolic power, Cambridge: Harvard University Press
- Dallmayr, Fred (1993)
G. W. F. Hegel: Modernity and politics, Newbury Park: Sage Publications
- Eco, Umberto (1987)
The role of the reader: Explorations in the semiotics of texts, London: Hutchinson
- Geertz, Clifford (2000)
The interpretation of cultures, New York: Basic Books
- Habermas, Jürgen (2001)
The liberating power of symbols, Massachusetts: MIT Press
- Habermas, Jürgen (1991)
The philosophical discourse of modernity: Twelve lectures, Massachusetts: MIT Press
- Habermas, Jürgen (1988)
On the logic of the social sciences, Massachusetts: MIT Press
- Hatley, John (2004)
Communication, cultural and media studies: The key concepts, London: Routledge
- Hobsbawn, Eric and Ranger, Terence (2004)
The invention of tradition, Cambridge: Canto
- Kleden, Ignas (2001)
Menulis politik: Indonesia sebagai utopia(Writing politics: Indonesia as a utopia), Jakarta: Kompas
- Kleden, Ignas (1988)
Sikap ilmiah dan kritik kebudayaan (Attitudes toward knowledge and cultural critique), Jakarta: LP3ES
- Lotman, Yuri M (2001)
Universe of the mind: A semiotic theory of culture, London: IB Tauris
- Mamannoor (2002)
Wacana kritik seni rupa di Indonesia (Discourse on visual arts in Indonesia), Bandung: Nuansa
- R. M. Soedarsono (1999)
Metodologi penelitian seni pertunjukan dan seni rupa (Research methodology for performing and visual arts), Bandung: Masyarakat Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia
- S Takdir Alisjahbana (1988)
Kebudayaan sebagai perjuangan (Culture as a form of struggle), Jakarta: Dian Rakyat
- Sen, Krishna and Hill, David (2000)
Media, culture and politics in Indonesia, Melbourne: Oxford University Press
- Shusterman, Richard, ed. (1999)
Bourdieu: A critical reader, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
- Stange, Paul (1998)
Politik perhatian: Rasa dalam kebudayaan Jawa (translation), Yogyakarta: LKIS
- Zoest, Aart van (1991)
Fiksi dan nonfiksi dalam kajian semiotik (transl.
Waar gebeurd en toch gelogen), Jakarta: Intermasa

D. Civil society, religion and middle class
- Al. Andang Binawan, ed. (2004) Keadilan sosial: Upaya mencari makna kesejahteraan bersama di Indonesia (Social justice: An endeavour to find meanings in collective well-beings in Indonesia), Jakarta: Kompas
- Arief Budiman, ed. (1990)
State and civil society in Indonesia, Victoria: Monash University
- Burhanuddin, ed. (2003)
Mencari akar kultural civil society
di Indonesia (Looking for the cultural roots of Indonesian civil society), Jakarta: INCIS
- Dawam Rahardjo (1999)
Masyarakat madani: Agama, kelas menengah dan perubahan sosial (Civil society: Religion, middle class and social change), Jakarta: LP3ES
- Fergusson, David (2004)
Church, state and civil society, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Hefner, Robert W (2000)
Civil Islam: Muslims and democratization in Indonesia, Princeton: Princeton University Press
- Kleden, Ignas (2004)
Masyarakat dan negara: Sebuah persoalan (Society and the state: An issue), Magelang: Indonesiatera
- Komaruddin Hidayat dan Ahmad Gaus AF, ed. (2005)
Islam, negara dan civil society: Gerakan dan pemikiran Islam kontemporer (Islam, state and civil society: The contemporary movements and ideas), Jakarta: Paramadina
- Luthfi Assyaukanie, ed. (2002)
Wajah liberal Islam di Indonesia (The faces of liberal Islam in Indonesia), Jakarta: Jaringan Islam Liberal
- Maruto M.D. and Anwari W.M.K., ed. (2002)
Reformasi politik dan kekuatan masyarakat: Kendala dan peluang menuju demokrasi (Political reform and societal strength: Obstacles and opportunities toward democracy), Jakarta: LP3ES
- Muhammad AS Hikam (1999)
Demokrasi dan civil society (Democracy and civil society), Jakarta: LP3ES
- Nurcholish Madjid (2004)
Indonesia kita (Our Indonesia), Jakarta: Gramedia
- Tanter, Richard and Young, Kenneth (1996)
Politik kelas menengah Indonesia (transl.
The politics of middle class Indonesia), Jakarta: LP3ES

E. Public intellectuals, society and politics
- Aswab Mahasin and Ismed Natsir (1983)
Cendekiawan dan politik (Intellectuals and politics), Jakarta: LP3ES
- Dhakidae, Daniel (2003)
Cendekiawan dan kekuasaan dalam negara Orde Baru (Intellectuals and power in the New Order state), Jakarta: Gramedia
- Fathi Aris Omar (2005)
Patah balek: Catatan terpenting reformasi (Reformasi revisited: Some important notes), Petaling Jaya: SIRD
- Gouldner, Alvin (1979)
The future of intellectuals and the rise of the new class, New York: MacMillan Press
- Hadiz Vedi R & Dhakidae, Daniel (2005)
Social science and power in Indonesia, Jakarta: Equinox Publishing
- Hartono, Dick, ed. (1980)
Golongan cendekiawan: Mereka yang berumah di atas angin (Intellectuals: The idealists distancing from political power), Jakarta: Gramedia
- Rendra, WS (2001)
Penyair dan kritik sosial (Poets and social critique), Jogjakarta: Kepel Press
- Stanley, ed. (1996)
Sri Bintang Pamungkas: Saya musuh politik Seoharto (Sri Bintang Pamungkas: I am a Soeharto’s enemy), Jakarta: Pijar Indonesia
- Willy Pramudya, ed (2004)
Cak Munir: Engkau tak pernah pergi (Mr Munir: You never die), Jakarta: GagasMedia

F. The press and politics
- Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (2001)
Korupsi dalam liputan pers (Corrupt practices among journalists and in media coverage), Jakarta: Aliansi Jurnalis Independen
- Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (1999)
Pers Indonesia pasca Soeharto (The post-Soeharto Indonesian press), Jakarta: Aliansi Jurnalis Independen and LSPP
- Ayu Utami et. al, ed. (1994)
Bredel 1994 (The banned media of 1994), Jakarta: Aliansi Jurnalis Independen
- Balgos, Cecile, ed. (2002)
Watching the watchdog: Media self-regulation in Southeast Asia, Bangkok: Seapa
- Bimo Nugroho, Eriyanto and Frans Surdiasis (1999)
Politik media mengemas berita (The politics of media in news framing), Jakarta: Institut Studi Arus Informasi
- Hanazaki, Yasuo (1998)
Pers terjebak (transl.
The Indonesian press in the era of ‘keterbukaan: A force for democratization), Jakarta: Institut Studi Arus Informasi
- Hinca Pandjaitan (2004)
Gunakan hak jawab, hak koreksi dan kewajiban koreksi anda (Make use of your rights to reply and make correction), Surabaya: Jawa Pos Grup
- Institut Studi Arus Informasi (1998)
Wartawan terpasung: Intervensi negara di tubuh PWI (The shackled journalists: State intervention in the Indonesian national press association PWI), Jakarta: Institut Studi Arus Informasi
- Institut Studi Arus Informasi and Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (1997)
Terbunuhnya Udin (The death of journalist Udin), Jakarta: Institut Studi Arus Informasi and Aliansi Jurnalis Independen
- Institut Studi Arus Informasi and Universitas Surabaya (1997)
Ilusi sebuah kekuasaan (The illusion of the fourth estate), Jakarta: Institut Studi Arus Informasi and Universitas Surabaya
- Sitok Srengenge et. al. ed. (1995)
Di tengah konspirasi ketakutan (In the midst of conspiracy of fear), Depok: Gorong-gorong Budaya

G. Political caricature
- Brotoatmodjo, Dwi Kundoro et. al (1997)
Demokrasi and HAM dalam kartun pers (Democracy and human rights issues in the newspaper caricatures), Jakarta: Ecata-Inpi-Pact
- Cahyono, Gatot Eko (2001)
Kumpulan karikatur politik (A collection of political caricature), Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan
- Indarto, Kuss (1999)
Sketsa di tanah merdeka: Kumpulan karikatur (The sketches of an independent country: A collection of caricature), Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana
- Muhammad Nashir Setiawan (2002)
Menakar Panji Koming: Tafsiran komik karya Dwi Koendoro pada masa reformasi tahun 1998 (Panji Koming: Interpretation of Dwi Koendoro’s comic strips during the reformasi year 1998), Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas
- Pramono (1981)
Karikatur-karikatur (Caricatures), Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan
- Priyanto S (2001)
Opini 1: Kumpulan karikatur Priyanto S di Tempo 1972-1994 (Opinion 1: A collection of Priyanto S’s caricature in Tempo magazine 1972-1994), Jakarta: Tempo

H. Literature, arts and politics
- Afrizal Malna (2000)
Sesuatu Indonesia (An Indonesia), Yogyakarta: Yayasan Bentang Budaya
- Agus Sarjono (2001)
Sastra dalam empat Orba (Literature in four phases of the New Order), Jogjakarta: Bentang Budaya
- Ahmad Sahal, et. al. (2002)
Utan Kayu: Tokoh dalam montase (Utan Kayu: Public figures in montage), Jakarta: Yayasan Kalam
- Ahmad Sahal, et. al. (1999)
Utan Kayu: Bertandang dalam proses (Utan Kayu: Being a guest in the process), Jakarta: Yayasan Kalam
- Aveling, Harry (2003)
Rahasia membutuhkan kata: Puisi Indonesia 1966-1998 (transl.
Secrets need words: Indonesian poetry 1966-1998), Magelang: Indonesiatera
- Bakdi Soemanto (2003)
Rendra: Karya dan dunianya (Rendra: His works and worlds), Jakarta: Grasindo
- Fauzan (2004)
Mengubur peradaban: Politik pelarangan buku (Burying the civilization: The politics of banning books), Yogyakarta: LKIS
- Goenawan Mohamad (2003)
Kesusastraan dan kekuasaan (Literature and political power), Jakarta: Pustaka Fidaus
- Goenawan Mohamad (2001)
Kata, waktu: Esai-esai 1960-2001 (Words, time: Collection of essays 1960-2001), Jakarta: Tempo
- H. B. Jassin (1994)
Koran dan sastra Indonesia (The press and Indonesian literature), Jakarta: Puspa Swara
- Kleden, Ignas (2004)
Sastra Indonesia dalam enam pertanyaan (Indonesian literature in six major themes), Jakarta: Pustaka Utama Grafiti
- Moelyono (1997)
Seni Rupa Penyadaran (Visual arts for public consciousness), Jogjakarta: Bentang Budaya
- Orwell, George (2004) Why I write, London: Penguin Books
Pamusuk Eneste, ed. (2001)
Buku pintar sastra Indonesia (A guide to Indonesian literature), Jakarta: Kompas
- Pamusuk Eneste (1987)
H. B. Jassin paus sastra Indonesia (H. B. Jassin the father of Indonesian literature), Jakarta: Djambatan
- S Takdir Alisjahbana (1984)
Perjuangan tanggungjawab dalam kesusasteraan (Responsibility and struggle in literature), Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya
- Sapardi Djoko Damono (1999)
Politik, ideologi dan sastra hibrida (Politics, ideology and hybridised literature), Jakarta: Pustaka Fidaus
- Wiji Thukul (2004)
Aku ingin menjadi peluru: Kumpulan puisi (I want to be a bullet: An anthology of poems), Magelang: Indonesiatera

I. Theatre and politics
- Elam, Keir (2002)
The semiotics of theatre and drama, London: Routledge
- Putu Wijaya (2001)
Sang teroris mental dan pertanggungjawaban proses kreatif (The mental terrorist and the integrity of creative process), Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia
- Radhar Panca Dahana (2001)
Ideologi politik dalam teater Indonesia (Political ideology in Indonesia theatres), Magelang: Yayasan Indonesiatera
- Ratna Sarumpaet (2004)
Anak-anak kegelapan: Naskah drama (The sons of darkness: A drama script), Jakarta: Satu Merah Panggung
- Ratna Sarumpaet (2003)
Alia: Luka Serambi Mekah (Alia: The scars of Acheh), Jakarta: Metafor
- Riantiarno, N (2005)
Maaf, maaf, maaf: Naskah sandiwara (Sorry, sorry, sorry: Drama script), Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
- Riantiarno, N (2004)
Triologi opera kecoa: Naskah sandiwara (The trilogy of the opera of cockroach: Drama script), Yogyakarta: Mahatari
- Riantiarno, N (2004)
Sampek dan Engtay: Naskah sandiwara (Sampek and Engtay: Drama script), Yogyakarta: Galang Press
- Riantiarno, N (2001)
Republik Bagong: Naskah sandiwara (The republic of Bagong: Drama script), Yogyakarta: Galang Press
- Riantiarno, N., ed. (1993)
Teguh Karya dan Teater Populer 1968-1993 (Teguh Karya and Teater Populer 1968-1993), Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan
- Syaeful Anwar (2005)
N Riantiarno: Dari ‘rumah kertas’ ke pentas dunia (N Riantiarno: From ‘rumah kertas’ drama to world stage), Jakarta: FFTV-IKJ Press

J. Broadcasting media, books and films
- Agus Sudibyo (2004)
Ekonomi politik media penyiaran (The political economy of broadcasting media), Jakarta: Institut Studi Arus Informasi
- Alfons Taryadi, ed. (1999)
Buku dalam Indonesia baru (Books in the new Indonesia), Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia
- Garin Nugroho (2004)
Opera sabun SBY: Televisi and komunikasi politik (SBY’s soap opera: Television and political communication), Jakarta: Nastiti
- Garin Nugroho (1998)
Kekuasaan dan hiburan (State power and entertainment), Jogjakarta: Bentang Budaya
- Garin Nugroho et. al (2002)
TV publik: Menggagas media demokratis di Indonesia (Public TV: Formulating democratic media in Indonesia), Jakarta: Yayasan SET
- Hannan, David (2004) ‘Beyond cultural politics’ in booklet for the film week and public forum ‘Pekan Filem dan Diskusi Publik’
Potret budaya politik dalam sinema (The portraits of political culture in cinema), 24-27 Ogos
- Haris Jauhari, ed. (1992)
Layar perak: 90 tahun bioskop di Indonesia (Golden screen: 90 years of cinema in Indonesia), Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
- PPPI (undated)
Media scene 2003-2004, Jakarta: PPPI (Indonesian Association of Advertising Agencies)
- Veven Wardhana (2001)
Televisi dan prasangka budaya massa (Television and the prejudices of mass culture), Jakarta: Institut Studi Arus Informasi

K. Student movement and politics
- Denny, J. A. (1990)
Gerakan mahasiswa dan politik kaum muda era 80-an (Student and youth movements in 1980s), Jakarta: Miswar
- Sulistyo, Hermawan (2002)
Lawan: Jejak-jejak jalan di balik kejatuhan Soeharto (Fight: The footsteps behind the Soeharto downfall), Jakarta: Pensil 324
- Widjojo, Muridan dan Mashudi Noorsalim (2004)
Bahasa negara versus bahasa gerakan mahasiswa (The political languages of the state versus that of the student movements), Jakarta: LIPI Press

L. Women and politics
- Hellwig, Tineke (2003)
Bercermin dalam bayangan: Citra perempuan dalam sastra Indonesia (transl. I
n the shadow of change: Images of women in Indonesian literature), Depok: Desantara
- Idi Subandy Ibrahim and Hanif Suranto (1998)
Wanita dan media: Konstruksi ideologi gender dalam ruang publik Orde Baru (Women and media: Ideological construction of gender in the New Order public sphere), Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya
- Robinson, Kathryn and Bessell, Sharon (2002)
Women in Indonesia: Gender, equality and development, Singapore: ISEAS
** Senarai ini tidak lengkap, beberapa buku baru yang dirujuk belum dimasukkan. Bibliografi ini disiapkan, sebagai
literature review, sewaktu menyediakan laporan pertengahan penggal API (Mei 2005) dan laporan akhir kepada Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI, September 2005).